‘恇‡‡‰ρ@Enjoy your Game of Life‚ΜŠͺ

‚O@Freedom of choosing.

ƒΏ@Respect your ancestry.`Make presents on Mother's Day.

ƒΐ@Save your life.

@@Live not poorly.`Always gratitude.`Help each other.

@@Be with your lovely people.`Listen to live stories with your own ears.

@@Be proud on your job.`Light up your corner.

ƒΑ@Be together for better world.

@@Listen and speak up on conference.`Discussion makes mutual understanding.

@@International marriage`Cherish everyone's difference.

@@Cuddle lonely people.`For a world,where nobody left behind.

@@Find your own little happiness, and pile on.

@@All for future, children's smile.

